social media

SS cc hh ee dd UU PP

A simple and elegant web app to make a schedule A simple and elegant web app to make a schedule

TT ii pp CC aa ll cc

A web app to calculate and split the tip of your check A web app to calculate and split the tip of your check

YY aa` dd ii rr aa rr tt ee

A webpage for the flower shop Yadira Arte y Diseño floral A webpage for the flower shop Yadira Arte y Diseño floral

WW aa yy aa kk nn aa

Webpage for Wayakna company Webpage for Wayakna company

JJ oo bb bb ii

A webpage of the startup that helps to find a job A webpage of the startup that helps to find a job

II nn vv ee rr aa ff rr uu tt

A web page for the Inverafrut enterprise A web page for the Inverafrut enterprise

BB rr oo uu ss .. mm xx

A web page for where I work on Front-End and connected with PHP A web page for where I work on Front-End and connected with PHP

BB ee tt hh aa SS ZZ

A web page for where I work on Front-End and connected with PHP A web page for where I work on Front-End and connected with PHP


Main component for a ERP that works with matrixes Main component for a ERP that works with matrixes

SS pp aa cc ee II nn vv

Landing page for a project which is a minigame Landing page for a project which is a minigame

GG rr aa pp hh ss

A Java project that let you create and traverse a graph Also shows the list and adjacency matrix A Java project that let you create and traverse a graph Also shows the list and adjacency matrix

NN uu mm BB aa ss ee

A number base converter made in Java and C A number base converter made in Java and C

AA rr cc aa dd ee

An Arcade with retro games made in C/C++ An Arcade with retro games made in C/C++

01 public class Victor Lavalle  {
03   private  String name;
04   private  int age;
05   private  String email;
07  public  VictorLavalle ( String name, int age, String email ) {
08 .... this . name  =  "Victor M. Lavalle Canton";
09 .... this . age  =  23;
10 .... this . email  =  "";
11 .. }
13  public  Map<String,  List<String>>  skills () {
14 ... Map<String,  List<String>> skillsMap  =  new  HashMap {}();
16 ... skillsMap.put( "Programming Languages" , Arrays.asList(
17 ... "Java", "JavaScript", "Typescript", "Cobol", "C++", "PHP" ));
19 ... skillsMap.put( "Technologies" , Arrays.asList(
20 ... "AWS", "Springboot", "Bash", "MySQL", "DB2", "Git",
21 ... "Vue", "Angular", "Bootstrap", "SCSS", "REST", "SOAP" ));
23 ... return  skillsMap;
24 .. }
26  }
